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Chiqen Avocado Wrap
14,90 €

DE: Weizentortilla, grilled Chiqen, panierte Avocado, Sweet-Mustard-Sauce, Tomate, Salatgurke, frische Zwiebeln, Salatblatt, Rucola

EN: wheattortilla, grilled 
chiqen, spicy breaded avocado wedges, sweet-mustard-sauce, tomatoes, cucumber, fresh onions, lettuce, roquette



  • Gluten (Weizen in Tortilla, Chiqenpatty, Avocados)

  • Senf

  • Soja

  • Konservierungsstoff


  • gluten (wheat in tortilla, chiqenpatty, avocados)

  • mustard

  • soy

  • preservatives

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