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Veggie Lapaz
18,90 €
DE: gemischte Blattsalate, Rucola, panierte Avocado, gegr. Paprika, Mais, Tomaten, Salatgurke, dicke Bohnen in Tomatenmarinade, Zwiebeln, Vinaigrette, Sourcream-Topping
EN: mixed lettuce, roquette, crispy avocado wedges, grilled bell pepper, sweet corn, tomatoes, cucumber, thick beans in tomato sauce, fresh onions, vinaigrette, sourcream-topping
Gluten (Avocados)
Senf (Vinaigrette, Sourcream)
Soja (Sourcream, Bohnen)
gluten (avocados)
mustard (vinaigrette, sourcream)
soy (sourcream, beans)
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